Category: Kanji Etymology

  • Figure 1 kanji etymology kou

    校 consists of two main radicals, which are 木 (き, ki, i.e. “wood”) and 交 (こう, kō, i.e. “mingle”, “mixing”).…
  • Figure 1 hidari

    To fully understand the meaning of the character 左, one should combine it with the one of the character 右…
  • Figure 1 kuchi

    the 口 radical in characters such as 古, 右, 可, 名, 各, 吾, 吉, etc., is in fact a pictograph of a ritual vessel or…
  • Figure 1 go

    五 belongs to the 仮借文字 (かしゃもじ, kashamoji, i.e. rebus (phonetic loan) characters; or in other words, characters that were borrowed…
  • Figure 1 inu

    犬 belongs to the 象形文字 (しょうけいもじ, shōkeimoji, i.e. set of characters of pictographic origin). It is a pictograph of a…
  • Figure 1 mi

    見 belongs to the 象形文字(しょうけいもじ, shōkeimoji i.e. set of characters of pictographic origin). It is a pictograph of a human…
  • figure_3_4_hiragana_ne-horz

    The modern form of ね comes from the cursive form of the kanji 奴 (やっこ, yakko, i.e. “servant (especially samurai’s…
  • Figure 1 2 hiragana ni horz

    The modern form of に comes from the cursive form of the kanji 仁 (に, ni, i.e. “benevolence”, “compassion”, etc.).…
  • Figure 1 kanji etymology getsu

    月 belongs to the 象形文字 (しょうけいもじ, shōkeimoji, i.e. set of characters of pictographic origin). It is a pictograph of a…
  • Figure 1 2 hiragana na horz

    The modern form of な comes from the cursive form of the kanji 奈 (な, na, i.e. “Nara”, “what”). Follow…