Author: Beyond Calligraphy

  • Chinese New Year

    This year’s Chinese New Year, which is the first day of the lunar year, is coming in less than a…
  • Figure_2_calligraphy_exhibition_to_raise_funds_for_four_independent_chinese_schools

    The Lion-Parkson Foundation organised a Chinese New Year Calligraphy Exhibition-cum-charity sale recently to raise funds to help needy students in…
  • figure_10_producing_wang_xizhi_and_kukai_of_a_new_era

    The exhibition was held with the hope of nurturing a younger generation of calligraphers in the tradition of Wang Xizhi…
  • figure_4_mariusz_szmerdt

    我被日本文化的魅力所吸引開始於武術 。武術訓練所需的精神和思維定式,對應的就是 水墨 畫和書法藝術
  • Figure_5_encounters_with_brushes_p1

    Întâlnirile mele cu pensulele au continuat pănă la finalul facultăţii. Când am aterizat la Boston, mi-am amenajat un atelier de…
  • figure_1_can_an_armless_person_become_an_calligraphy_master

    It’s a pretty rare person who has mastered the classical art of calligraphy. Wu Yong is all the more exceptional…
  • figure_3_producing_wang_xizhi_and_kukai_of_a_new_era

    Calligraphy can be considered a formative art that uses writing as its medium. While typical writing is used as a…
  • Figure 1 Kanji Etymology Jou

    Spätere Siegelschrift-Formen des Schriftzeichens 上 wurden von denen der Orakelknochenschrift und kinbun abgeleitet.
  • Profile Mariusz Szmerdt

    水墨画(墨絵)という芸術は、もともと東アジア(主に中国と日本)のものであり、私の故郷ポーランドでは、特に、アジアの文化に慣れ親しんでいない人にとっては、むしろ異色なものでした。芸術の本質は無限で、作品の隅々まで、深く味わわせてくれます。 [...]
  • 05/03/2010
    The famous words of calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi (王羲之, 303–361) from the Jin dynasty (晉朝, 265 - 420) go: “use…