Restoring a 100+ year old Unpei fude (maki fude) brush
11/03/2013Unpei fude is also known as kami maki fude (紙巻筆, かみまきふで), or, maki fude, literally meaning “(paper) wrapped brush”, and…桂堂 を攀じる、パート1
05/06/2012明治42年、十三世雲平は東京に攀 桂堂 を移し、松方正義(まつかたまさよし)翁、大倉喜八郎翁、書家の比田井天来・小琴ご夫婦、岡山高陰(おかやまたかかげ)などの諸先生方に筆のご用を賜る。The Dying Trade of Yamato
21/05/2012It is my great hope that the trade of brush making will continue and thrive, and that this old and…